“In The Name Of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Compassionate”
The Masjid Al Emaan has been established to serve the community for religious and Islamic social activities.This includes the 5 daily prayers, Jummah Prayer, Islamic School, Family Nights, and Summer Picnics, Community Iftar, Eid Prayers and other religious lectures and Halaqa. In order to safe guard and protect our Masjid, all visitors to the Masjid are expected to observe the following Rules and Regulations:
- OVERNIGHT STAYS: At the Masjid are not permitted at any time or under any circumstances. This violates our agreement. And can jeopardize our Lease.
- QURANIC / ISLAMIC TEACHING: Or any other class by an individual or group (Whether fees are being charged or not) MUST be pre-approved by the Executive Board.
- POSTERS, FLYERS OR WALL HANGINGS of any kind are NOT permitted at the Masjid unless they have been pre-approved by the Executive Board or the Trustees. Any unapproved items will be removed and discarded.
- FUNDRAISING OR SOLICITING: Inside or just outside of the Masjid is Not Permitted unless pre-approved by the Executive Board or Trustees. Any unapproved items or materials at the Masjid will be removed and discarded. This includes Flyers, left on cars in the parking lot.
- CELL PHONES AND PAGERS: Must be turned off or switched to vibrate during the 5 Daily Prayers and Jummah Prayer. Please show your respect for Allah (swt) and those around you.
- YOUNG CHILDREN: Are encouraged at the Masjid but, they MUSTbe next to their parents during Prayer. Or any other actions consider unsafe or distracting to others.
- SHOES: Are not permitted on the carpeted area an MUST be removed and placed in shoes racks upon entry in the Masjid. Shoes left on the tiled area can be a safety hazard.
- DURING RAMADAN: Any food brought into the Masjid for Iftar MUST be removed the same night or placed into the refrigerator.
- SERVING FOOD: If approved to serve food in the Masjid those who serve the food MUST make sure that all food and items used are removed and the area used is vacuumed and cleaned.
- FURNITURE, CLOTHES OR OTHER ITEMS FOR DONATION: Must not be brought and left in the Masjid unless pre-approved by Executive Board or Trustees. The Masjid has no facilities for storing or distributing such items. If you wish to donate such items PLEASE check with a Board Member or Imam for a recommendation.
- CLEANLINESS: Through sensitivity for each other, Inshallah we will strive to seek the pleasure of Allah (swt). This sensitivity demands cleanliness of our clothing, body breath and our surroundings. Please make sure that the restrooms and other areas are left clean and tidy after use.
- PERSONNEL EVENTS: Such as Nikah or any other such event, MUST be pre-approved by the Executive Board or Trustees. If authorized to serve food at the event. The rules for serving food are in effect.
- ACTIVITIES PERMITTED AT THE MASJID: Unauthorized entry at other times or presence for activities not approved by the Executive Board or Trustees is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If in doubt, please ask a Board Member or Trustees.